I have an operation that if it fails - it retries 5 times and then gives up. Resulting in following log table:
LogId OpId Message
1 4 Retry 1...Failed
2 4 Retry 2...Failed
3 4 Retry 3...Failed
4 4 Retry 4...Failed
5 4 Retry 5...Failed
6 4 Max Retries exceeded - giving up
Sometimes, it will succeed after retry, which means that I'll never see the Max Retries exceeded - giving up
entry within that OpId.
And that I what I am trying to identify. Operations that were forced to go into retries (e.g there is a Retry X...
entry), but there isn't a Max Retries exceeded - giving up
entry because the retry succeeded at some point.
I tried using Window functions, and I think that might the way to go but I am not sure how to actually identify what I want.
P.S. Added auto-incrementing field per @GMB
For this dataset, you might be able to just use aggregation:
select opId
from mytable
group by opId
max(case when message like 'Retry%' then 1 end) = 1
and max(case when message = 'Max Retries exceeded - giving up' then 1 end) is null
This gives you the list of opId
for which at least one message starts with 'Retry'
and that have no message equal to 'Max Retries exceeded - giving up'