I am developing an application to manage a law office using zend framework 1.10,PHP 5.3 and MySQL, I have made a relationship between two tables and I wanted to do cascade deletion however It doesn't work, I tried all possibilities but nothing...
this is the parent model, refer to all processes
class Application_Model_ProcessosJudicial extends Zend_Db_table {
protected $_name = "processos_judicial";
protected $_dependentTables = array('Application_Model_Partes', 'Application_Model_Andamentos');
protected $_referenceMap = array(
'Andamento' => array(
'columns' => array('numero_atual'),
'refColumns' => array('numero_atual'),
'refTableClass' => 'Application_Model_Andamentos',
'onDelete' => self::CASCADE,
'onUpdate' => self::RESTRICT
here is the model which refer to a process's status
class Application_Model_Andamentos extends Zend_Db_table {
protected $_name = "processos_andamentos_judicial";
protected $_referenceMap = array(
'Andamento' => array(
'refTableClass' => 'Application_Model_ProcessosJudicial',
'refColumns' => array('numero_atual'),
'columns' => array('numero_atual'),
'onDelete' => self::CASCADE,
'onUpdate' => self::RESTRICT
When I am gonna delete one process it returns me
Notice: Undefined index: numero_atual in C:\htdocs\Advocacia\library\Zend\Db\Table\Abstract.php on line 1197
it delete the process but all process's status keeps on the datebase.
Anybody can see anything wrong?
Adding numero_atual to primary, solve the problem.
protected $_primary = array("id", "numero_atual");