When you add a custom domain in Firebae Hosting, at the end of the process you see two DNS A records that you should add to your DNS configuration.
But after you're done with the process of adding the new custom domain, where in the Firebase Console can you find the information about those DNS A records again?
I didn't find it in the Firebase Hosting section nor in my Project Settings.
I just found out that if the DNS A records have already been detected by Firebase, they will no longer be accessible from the Firebase Console.
But if the records haven't been detected by Firebase yet, you be able to see them by clicking on your custom domain on your console's Firebase Hosting section. It will be marked with "View Setup" or something like that (don't remember the exact phrase).
If it's marked as "pending", it's because the records have already been detected and it's waiting for propagation across the DNS network.
It it's marked as "conected", it's because it's already up an running.