I am a beginner with the microbit and I have tried to copy some code from different tutorials/code examples. I am just trying to set up the serial communication between a computer and the microbit. My plan is to have the microbit just echo every line it receives and send it back for now. But the lines are split and I am not sure if it is the microbit or the computer doing the splitting. I have tried from two different computers with the same result.
Here is the microbit code:
from microbit import *
msg_str = ""
while True:
msg_bytes = uart.readline()
if (msg_bytes):
My computer code, a Python program with pyserial:
import serial
import serial.tools.list_ports as list_ports
def find_microbit_comport():
ports = list(list_ports.comports())
for p in ports:
if (p.pid == 516) and (p.vid == 3368):
return str(p.device)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.baudrate = 115200
ser.timeout = 1
ser.port = find_microbit_comport()
text = ser.readline()
while text != b'':
text = ser.readline()
The problem I have that is that it prints out this:
I was expecting it to print b'testing' in one word. I could write code to combine the text, but I could then get out of sync.
I replicated your results using python 3.5 on Linux and a microbit.
I modified the Python code slightly. Please find this below:
import serial
import serial.tools.list_ports as list_ports
def find_microbit_comport():
ports = list(list_ports.comports())
for p in ports:
if (p.pid == 516) and (p.vid == 3368):
return str(p.device)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('running code')
ser = serial.Serial()
ser.baudrate = 115200
ser.timeout = 1
ser.port = find_microbit_comport()
ser.write('hello there\n')
text = ser.readline()
while (1):
text = ser.readline()
Try this as the micropython on your microbit:
from microbit import *
msg_str = 'out: '.strip()
while True:
new_byte = (uart.read(1))
if new_byte == None:
new_char = str(new_byte, 'UTF-8')
msg_str += new_char
if ("\n" in msg_str):
msg_str = ''
running code
out:hello there
This reads one byte at a time until a newline character is found, appending each byte onto the output string. The danger is that the newline character is dropped during transmission through the serial port. It is robust over a wired connection. If using wireless transmission, characters are easily corrupted or missed.
I would like to adjust the uart.init timeout parameter to see if this would fix the issue. This is not available in micropython on the microbit at this time.