I just install Bugzilla 4.0.1 in Internet Information Server 7.0, Windows 7. Perl is provided by ActivePerl. When I am opening every page, it will almost cost 3-5 seconds to load a page. It is a empty Bugzilla without any project. And machine load is very low.
I try Internet Explorer 9.0 and Google Chrome. The time to load page is almost same, 3-5 seconds.
How can I config the system to improve the performance of Bugzilla?
Bugzilla is coded in Perl, and Perl can be slow for a big-medium web applications in plain CGI - if the perl scripts are to compiled for each request. I had to configure Bugzilla with mod_perl in the server to get decent performance. That was a linux box, though - I'm not sure about mod_perl in Windows.
BTW, the client side (your browser) is irrelevant here.