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How can I register SCDF app with microk8s?

I have installed SCDF in a microk8s cluster. Ubuntu runs in VirtualBox.
Now I'm trying to register a custom app in SCDF.
My app is build as a Docker image (myorg/myapp:latest) and registered in a private local registry (localhost:5000).

I followed the microk8s documentation here and add my Docker registry in the containerd-template.toml file :

  endpoint = ["http://localhost:5000"]

But now I can't figure out how to register my app in SCDF.
When I try to register my app with "docker:myorg/myapp:latest" and then deploy it, I have an error in microk8s :

Failed to pull image "myorg/myapp:latest": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to resolve image "": no available registry endpoint: pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed

It's like microk8s is not looking in my Docker local registry.
Thanks for any help


  • There's support to resolve Docker images from the private Docker registry. You'd either have to configure the setting as a global property in SCDF or it can be supplied as part of the individual stream deployment.

    See: SCDF + Private Docker Regisrty

    Nothing changes in your registration command, however. With the imagePullSecret passed correctly, the image should then resolve after a successful negotiation.