I am working under a professor, and I recently studied Conv-neural-networks and Generative adversarial Networks and was able to implement basic python codes on these topics using the MNIST dataset. Now I am given an assignment to try and remove rain streaks from rainy images. I read a paper where they used Auto-encoders and GAN's to do that, but I don't know what to do and how to proceed. I have 1000 clean images and 14000 rainy images 14 of each clean ones. I got this dataset from github and I also have some images of only rain streaks.I am fairly new to CNN's and GAN's and I don't even know if this is an easy task or a complex one just for me. But I am very confused. Can anyone suggest some things?
You can solve this problem using image to image translation methods.
NB: In all the cases, you will need a GPU for training the models!