I want to create mutation apis where input can be of different types, something like interface which we have in types. I know that we cannot have interface in input types, I want to know how we can support multiple input types in just one input. To explain the problem, I am using a dummy example:
input CreateCatInput{
id: String
name: String
input CreateDogInput{
id: String
name: String
breed: String
input CreateElephantInput{
id: String
name: String
weight: String
Now, if we want to write apis for it, I will have to write api for each type
createCat(input: CreateCatInput!)
createDog(input: CreateDogInput!)
createElephant(input: CreateElephantInput!)
The problem I have with this approach is:
The solution I am looking for is that I have only one api :
createAnimal(input: CreateAnimalInput!)
Since interface support is not there currently, how companies are implementing input which can be of multiple types? How can I define the input such that I can only give only one input in the api ?
I have read this suggestion, but it involves defining annotations, I am currently trying it. I want to see how other people are solving this issue.
Edit: Looks like a lot of work is now done on this topic https://github.com/graphql/graphql-spec/pull/733 and the feature will be available soon.
Input union type can solve your problem but unfortunately it is not supported now . However , the good news is that there is already a RFC for this feature which means it is possible it will be included in the next GraphQL specification release.
At this moment , I will model it using the nested input with an enum to differentiate which animal type the user is actually want to create. Somethings look like :
input CreateAnimalInput{
id: String
name: String
animalType :AnimalType!
dogParam : CreateDogInput
elephantParam : CreateElephantInput
enum AnimalType{
input CreateDogInput{
breed: String
input CreateElephantInput{
weight: String
createAnimal(input: CreateAnimalInput!)
If an animalType
is set to DOG
, only values in the dogParam
field will be considered and other animal parameter fields will be ignored.
Update on Nov-2022 : Input union type is superseded by OneOf
input type.