I'm writing a lua script in redis, and execute it in spring, the content is as simple as
local store = redis.call('hget',KEYS[1],'capacity')
if store <= 0
then return 0
store = store - 1
return 1
but when I run this script, an exception throws
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException: ERR Error compiling script (new function): user_script:1: malformed number near '262b4ca69c1805485d135aa6298c2b00bc7c8c09'
And I tried the following script in redis-cli
eval "local s = tonumber(redis.call('hget',KEYS[1],'capacity')) return s" 1 001
It returns
(integer) 100
And the Java code is showing as follows:
String script ="local store = redis.call('hget',KEYS[1],'capacity')\n" +
"print(store)\n" +
"if store <= 0\n" +
"then return 0\n" +
"end\n" +
"store = store - 1\n" +
"redis.call('hset',KEYS[1],'capacity',store)\n" +
"redis.call('sadd',KEYS[2],ARGV[1])\n" +
"return 1\n" +
sha = jedis.scriptLoad(script) ;
Object ojb = jedis.eval(sha,2,id,userName,id) ;
Now I'm so confused and any help will be grateful
You want to use jedis.evalsha
instead of jedis.eval
The error you are getting is Redis server trying to interpret 262b4ca69c1805485d135aa6298c2b00bc7c8c09
as an actual script. To invoke a previously loaded script you use EVALSHA