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Adding Segmented Style Picker to SwiftUI's NavigationView

The question is as simple as in the title. I am trying to put a Picker which has the style of SegmentedPickerStyle to NavigationBar in SwiftUI. It is just like the native Phone application's history page. The image is below

enter image description here

I have looked for Google and Github for example projects, libraries or any tutorials and no luck. I think if nativa apps and WhatsApp for example has it, then it should be possible. Any help would be appreciated.


  • You can put a Picker directly into .navigationBarItems.

    enter image description here

    The only trouble I'm having is getting the Picker to be centered. (Just to show that a Picker can indeed be in the Navigation Bar I put together a kind of hacky solution with frame and Geometry Reader. You'll need to find a proper solution to centering.)

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var choices = ["All", "Missed"]
        @State private var choice = 0
        @State private var contacts = [("Anna Lisa Moreno", "9:40 AM"), ("Justin Shumaker", "9:35 AM")]
        var body: some View {
            GeometryReader { geometry in
                NavigationView {
                    List {
                        ForEach(self.contacts, id: \.self.0) { (contact, time) in
                            ContactView(name: contact, time: time)
                        .onDelete(perform: self.deleteItems)
                        HStack {
                            Button("Clear") {
                                // do stuff
                            Picker(selection: self.$choice, label: Text("Pick One")) {
                                ForEach(0 ..< self.choices.count) {
                            .frame(width: 130)
                                .padding(.leading, (geometry.size.width / 2.0) - 130)
                    trailing: EditButton())
        func deleteItems(at offsets: IndexSet) {
            contacts.remove(atOffsets: offsets)
    struct ContactView: View {
        var name: String
        var time: String
        var body: some View {
            HStack {
                VStack {
                    Image(systemName: "phone.fill.arrow.up.right")
                VStack(alignment: .leading) {