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Running Dart tests on the real database in Aqueduct

I'm creating a read only PostgreSQL database. Since it won't be modified after I populate it, I'd like to run some tests to make sure the data is good. The TestHarness with the ORM mixin creates an empty database for each test. Can I access the real database from the tests?

I'm moving a Q&A from the Aqueduct Slack channel for public reference.


  • Answer from Reductions:

    You can start a server and get its mangedContext.:

    final app = Application<YourChannel>() 
      ..options.configurationFilePath = theConfigString 
      ..options.port = somePort;
    await app.startOnCurrentIsolate();
    final context =; 
    // Now you can use the context to access the data base

    And this is how I implemented it in context:

    import "package:test/test.dart";
    import 'package:my_server/model/text_line.dart';
    import '../harness/app.dart';
    Future main() async {
      // setup
      final app = Application<MyServerChannel>()
        ..options.configurationFilePath = 'config.yaml';
      await app.startOnCurrentIsolate();
      final context =;
      test('Database has the right number of rows', () async {
        final query = Query<TextLine>(context);
        final numRows = await query.reduce.count();
        expect(numRows, 43845);