I'd like to ask if anybody can please advise a way how to allocate a value in variable to a column in csv.
For example:
TriggeredBy | TriggeredTime | Firstname | Lastname | Username | ....
Throughout my script I'm modifying input data and on the go I'd like it to fill in the row to the relevant column. Then another script from a different server has to take over, read the calculated values and add its calculated results into its dedicated columns. The output would be a row where I can see that all the results.
In the end it's supposed to serve as a sort of database.
Sample of script here would be:
$aduser = Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -like $username} -Properties *
$Firstname = $aduser.GivenName
$Firstname | Export-CSV -Path $filepath | Select-Object "First Name"
$Lastname = $aduser.Surname
$Lastname | Export-CSV -Path $filepath | Select-Object "Last Name"
$TriggeredBy = $env:UserName
$TriggeredBy | Export-CSV - Path $filepath | Select-Object "TriggeredBy"
Throughout the process all saved in one relevant row. Next process does the same for the following row etc...
The "Export-CSV ...." part is obviously wrong, I would need some alternative
Many thanks!
Use Select-Object
with calculated properties:
Get-ADUser -Properties * -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq `"$username`"" | #`
Select-Object @{ n='FirstName'; e='GivenName' },
@{ n='Last Name'; e='Surname' },
@{ n='TriggeredBy'; e={ $env:UserName } } |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Literalpath $filePath
Note that I've used a string as the -Filter
argument, because that's what it ultimately becomes anyway. Using script-block literal syntax { ... }
is tempting, but ultimately causes more problems than it solves - see this answer.
Note that in Windows PowerShell Export-Csv
creates ASCII(!)-encoded files by default, which can result in loss of information; use the -Encoding
parameter to change that.
PowerShell [Core] v6+, by contrast, commendably defaults to (BOM-less) UTF-8; also, the
switch is no longer necessary there.
If you want to append to an existing CSV file (which needs to have the same column structure), use the -Append