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Loading XML child nodes value in variables in C#

I want the xml child nodes value in individual variable. The root node is 'Parent" and the main node is 'Reports'. I have written a looping statement for each main node 'Reports' and to extract the values of the child nodes.

I am able to load the xml(with values) in loop but fetches the below error while assigning the child nodes value to avariable.

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in project.exe"

c# code

 public Service1()

            foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Project.Constants.PATHNAME, "*.xml"))
                XElement ReportData = XElement.Load(file);
                var Reportinfo = ReportData.Elements("Reports");
                foreach (var Reports in Reportinfo.Nodes())
                    var ReportName = Reports.Document.Element("ReportName").Value;
                    var DBExecution = Reports.Document.Element("DBExecution").Value;
                    var DBName = Reports.Document.Element("DBName").Value;

                var obj = new DatabaseAction("connection1");
                var result = obj.ExecuteCommandQuery("select * from sometable");



Here is the xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Reports name="Report1">
<Reports name="Report2">

Please let me know where i go wrong? Thanks


  • Here is your solution. It shows how to iterate through the Reports fragments and get individual child elements values in a loop.


    void Main()
        const string file = @"e:\Temp\Manivannan.xml";
        string ReportName = string.Empty;
        string DBExecution = string.Empty;
        string DBName = string.Empty;
        XDocument ReportData = XDocument.Load(file);
        foreach (var Reports in ReportData.Descendants("Reports"))
            ReportName = Reports.Element("ReportName").Value;
            DBExecution = Reports.Element("DBExecution").Value;
            DBName = Reports.Element("DBName").Value;