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How to destroy or clear Bean object state in every use in spring boot

I'm new in spring boot and trying to figure out when we create a bean using @Bean and tries to access that bean where ever it requires using @Autowired. But i know @Bean is by default singleton and it will save its state but i want to clear its state so that it will give new newly append data or null if no data was append. Kindly help me on this. And i also want to know that is i'm following correct coding standard by using Bean with autowired because i want my every api give similar type of response that's why i create a pojo and make it a bean so that i don't have to create object again and again. Sorry if my problem is silly.. thanks in advance

This is my main class

public class GyftiV2Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
    public ResponseData getResponse() {
        return new ResponseData();

Below is the pojo

public class ResponseData {

    private boolean responce;
    private String error;
    private List<?> data = new ArrayList<>();

    public ResponseData() {

    public boolean isResponce() {
        return responce;

    public void setResponce(boolean responce) {
        this.responce = responce;

    public String getError() {
        return error;

    public void setError(String error) {
        this.error = error;

    public List<?> getData() {
        return data;

    public void setData(List<?> data) { = data;

Below is the service where is used my bean

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {

private ResponseData resData;

private UserRepository userRepository;

public ResponseData changePassword(PasswordChange pass) {
    User user = userRepository.getOne(pass.getUserId());
    if (null != user) {
        if (pass.getOldPassword().equals(user.getUser_password())) {
            if ((pass.getNewPassword().trim()).equals(pass.getConfirmPassword().trim())) {
                resData.setData(Collections.singletonList("Password change successfully"));
                return resData;
            } else {
                resData.setError("Please write the same new password in the confirm section");
                return resData;
        } else {
            resData.setError("Please write the correct old password");
            return resData;
    } else {
        resData.setError("Something went wrong userId is not correct");
        return resData;


With Controller

public class UserController {

private UserService userService;

@PostMapping(value = "/changePassword")
    public ResponseEntity<ResponseData> changePassword(@RequestBody PasswordChange pass) {
        ResponseData response = userService.changePassword(pass);
        if (response.isResponce()) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);


But when i didn't pass same newPassoword and confirmPassword then i got the response

  "responce": false,
  "error": "Please write the same new password in the confirm section",
  "data": []

And when i pass everything correct then i got the response

  "responce": true,
  "error": "Please write the same new password in the confirm section",
  "data": [
    "Password change successfully"

You will clearly see resData save its state that's why error key is still exist. I know if i pass "" in error field it will fix this issue but is there is any why to clear @Bean state ? Thanks for the help.


  • As said in the comment, you should not be using this as a Bean... It is just a regular object.

    Here is how should be your service code:

    public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
        private UserRepository userRepository;
        public ResponseData changePassword(PasswordChange pass) {
            User user = userRepository.getOne(pass.getUserId());
            if (null != user) {
                if (pass.getOldPassword().equals(user.getUser_password())) {
                    if ((pass.getNewPassword().trim()).equals(pass.getConfirmPassword().trim())) {
                        ResponseData resData = new ResponseData();
                        resData.setData(Collections.singletonList("Password change successfully"));
                        return resData;
                    } else {
                        ResponseData resData = new ResponseData();
                        resData.setData("Please write the same new password in the confirm section");
                        return resData;
                } else {
            } else {

    Things to consider:

    • You shouldn't be using your service to return a ResponseDate object sent directly over to the client. Maybe use exception in your service, like PasswordAndConfirmationAreDifferentException. This way, it is easier to deal the way you want in your controller.
    public class UserController {
    private UserService userService;
    @PostMapping(value = "/changePassword")
        public ResponseEntity<ResponseData> changePassword(@RequestBody PasswordChange pass) {
            try {
                ResponseData resData = new ResponseData();
                resData.setData(Collections.singletonList("Password change successfully"));
                return new ResponseEntity<>(resData, HttpStatus.OK);
            } catch (PasswordAndConfirmationAreDifferentException e) {
                ResponseData resData = new ResponseData();
                resData.setData("Password incorrect");
                return new ResponseEntity<>(resData, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    • Use a builder to easily build a responseDate of type Error ResponseData.Error("my error") and of type Data ResponseData.Data("my message 1", "my message2", ...)