For some reason my API key doesn’t seem to be added to my reverse Geocode request.
The key is correctly in my info.plist , I’ve tried adding every other key to my plist also but this still isn’t working.
Here is the request im attempting
var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
coordinate.latitude = 54.966682
coordinate.longitude = -7.730234
let query = TTReverseGeocoderQueryBuilder.create(with: coordinate).withReturnSpeedLimit(true)
reverseGeocoder.reverseGeocoder(with: query)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks Oliver
Everything looks fine. The API key is hidden inside logs.
Note that using reverseGeocoder(with: query)
method you need to conform to the TTReverseGeocoderDelegate
protocol in order to get the results out.
It can be easily done by adding a few lines of code:
import TomTomOnlineSDKSearch
import TomTomOnlineSDKRouting
class MainViewController: UIViewController, TTReverseGeocoderDelegate {
let tomtomRGeoAPI = TTReverseGeocoder()
func reverseGeocoder(_ reverseGeocoder: TTReverseGeocoder, completedWith response: TTReverseGeocoderResponse) {
func reverseGeocoder(_ reverseGeocoder: TTReverseGeocoder, failedWithError error: TTResponseError) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tomtomRevGeoAPI.delegate = self
var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
coordinate.latitude = 54.966682
coordinate.longitude = -7.730234
let query = TTReverseGeocoderQueryBuilder.create(with: coordinate).withReturnSpeedLimit(true)
self.tomtomRevGeoAPI.reverseGeocoder(with: query)
Regards, Mateusz