I have a stored procedure with several parameters and I call it every time like below code:
EXEC sp_General_AutoIncrement
@tbl_Name = 'tbl_General_MenuParents',
@fld_Name = 'MenuParent_Code',
@startWith = 1,
@new_ID = @MenuParent_Code OUTPUT;
My question is:
Is there any way to use code snippets feature to create calling stored procedure or function with null or empty parameters and create the code quickly like this:
EXEC sp_General_AutoIncrement
@tbl_Name = '',
@fld_Name = '',
@startWith = 0,
@new_ID = @MenuParent_Code OUTPUT;
What`s your idea?
Thank you for your attentions.
In Default you just can :
Right Click > Script > Execute To
But, There is plenty of commercial product options out there:
Apex, SSM-Booster and RedGate SQL Prompt.
That you can define custom snippet.