I've a random crash in live app. It crashes on guard statement. Following is the code snippet. I'm not able to understand why it crashes on guard which was suppose to guard against crashes like this?
How to fix this issue or how do I go about investigating it?
Crashlytics log
Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
EXC_BREAKPOINT 0x0000000102419850
0 myApp 0x102426f50 MessageVC.validate() + 101 (MessageVC.swift:101)
1 myApp 0x1024272d8 @objc MessageVC.buttonTapped(_:) + 239 (MessageVC.swift:239)
2 UIKitCore 0x1a6a8d9ac <redacted> + 96
3 UIKitCore 0x1a64c3fbc <redacted> + 240
4 UIKitCore 0x1a64c4320 <redacted> + 408
5 UIKitCore 0x1a64c333c <redacted> + 520
6 UIKitCore 0x1a6674a58 <redacted> + 7636
7 CoreFoundation 0x1a2983e68 <redacted> + 32
8 CoreFoundation 0x1a297ed54 <redacted> + 416
9 CoreFoundation 0x1a297f320 <redacted> + 1308
10 CoreFoundation 0x1a297eadc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 464
11 GraphicsServices 0x1ac91f328 GSEventRunModal + 104
12 UIKitCore 0x1a6a8c63c UIApplicationMain + 1936
13 myApp 0x1023eb850 main + 21 (ProfileVC.swift:11)
14 libdyld.dylib 0x1a2808360 <redacted> + 4
struct ProfileStatus: Decodable {
var status: Bool?
var error: String?
var profileStatus: ProfileStatus!
func validate() -> Bool {
guard let status = profileStatus.status else { // Line no. 101, Crash here
return true
// Do something...
@IBAction func buttonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
if validate() { // Line no. 239
// Do something..
class ProfileVC: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var textField: MyTextField! // Line no. 11
// ....
The reason of crash in force unwrap
var profileStatus: ProfileStatus! // << here is the reason
so you need to find in other code where ownership is lost, and, which is anyway good practice
var profileStatus: ProfileStatus? // use optional and unwrap where needed conditonally
func validate() -> Bool {
guard let status = profileStatus?.status else {