What is the correct way to execute a function in a declarative pipeline in parallel?
Several posts on this forum are suggesting that you build an array, and pass the array to 'parallel' or pass a function to 'parallel'
Is it possible to create parallel Jenkins Declarative Pipeline stages in a loop?
Simple parallel execution in Jenkins for an array
I have made several attempts to get it to work but it always runs in serial
I think that the problem is that the function is being evaluated while I am building the array, even before I reach the 'parallel' step in the stage.
I wasn't able to arrive at a solution from the official documentation.
Here is how I would like it to work, but is it possible?
pipeline {
agent {
label "l1" && "l2"
stages {
stage ('Prepare Data') {
// Some code that creates that data object
// data is an array of maps
stage ('Build') {
script {
def stepsForParallel = [:]
data.each { d ->
// name is a key in the data map
stepsForParallel["${d['name']}"] = {
node {
stage("${d['name']}") {
stepsForParallel[execDownStreamJob("DownStreamJobName", d)] = {
println("Executing DownstreamJob")
parallel stepsForParallel
The function below isn't really in the scope of this question, but I've added it in case it offers some value. It is explained best in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42248825/5006720
// job is a string
// jobParameters is a hashmap
def execDownStreamJob(job, jobParameters) {
// Some parsing takes place on hashMap and creates the p object
// 'p' is passed to the 'build job' function as a parameter
def downStreamJobResult = build job: job, parameters: p, propagate: false
// Some try/catch logic
the following part of code is really strange
because you are trying to assign stepsForParallel
stepsForParallel["${d['name']}"] = {
node {
stage("${d['name']}") {
stepsForParallel[execDownStreamJob("DownStreamJobName", d)] = {
println("Executing DownstreamJob")
i believe it should look like this (can't test it right now):
script {
def stepsForParallel = data.collectEntries{ d ->
stage("${d.name}") {
println "DownstreamJob ${d.name} start")
execDownStreamJob("DownStreamJobName", d)
println "DownstreamJob ${d.name} end")
parallel stepsForParallel