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Running Safari on the iOS simulator

I have Xcode and an iOS Simulator (iPhone 11 - 13.3) installed on my Mac. The Mac itself is going through my company's proxy server. It is connecting properly to the Internet - I can bring up desktop Safari and browse to any external site.

However I can't do the same through the iOS Simulator. When I open Safari on the simulator and try to visit an external site, I get this error message:

enter image description here

How do I get this to work?


  • Solved. The answer was a combination of the SO answer referred by @Paulw11 + a thread on Apple Developer Forums.

    You must drag the cert and drop it on the simulator + you must make sure that you are not dragging from any of the 3 D folders (Desktop, Documents, Downloads). The second requirement tripped me up for hours on MacOS Catalina.