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How to concatenate outputs of multiple aggregate queries dynamically?

I'm building a Postgres query that needs to call an aggregate function on each entry in an array, then concat all of those aggregate values together.

Here's the query for one of the aggregates:

WITH mvtdata AS
  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412)) AS geom, name, description
  FROM feature
  WHERE feature_set = 'river'
    AND ST_Intersects(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412))
SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtdata.*, 'river')
FROM mvtdata;

I have a separate table that defines the different data layers. Each data layer needs to call the above query and concatenate its results.

Say I have a layer table with the following values (I could also use an array if easier):

|  name        |
|  'river'     |
|  'building'  |

I want to call the above query once for each entry in the table and concatenate the values. Something like:

WITH riverdata AS
  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412)) AS geom, name, description
  FROM feature
  WHERE feature_set = 'river'
    AND ST_Intersects(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412))
buildingdata AS
  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412)) AS geom, name, description
  FROM feature
  WHERE feature_set = 'building'
    AND ST_Intersects(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412))
SELECT (ST_AsMVT(riverdata.*, 'river') || ST_AsMVT(buildingdata.*, 'building')) mvt
FROM riverdata, buildingdata;

How can I write my query to use such a table (or array) to dynamically concatenate an arbitrary number of data layers? It is important to have a separate ST_AsMVT() call per layer.


  • You could simply put the key values into a IN clasue, so that you can get all desired records a single query. After that, get the records retrieved by the CTE and apply the ST_AsMVT function.

    WITH mvtdata AS
        ST_AsMVTGeom(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412)) AS geom, 
        name, description,feature_set
      FROM feature
      WHERE feature_set IN ('river','building')
        AND ST_Intersects(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412))
    FROM mvtdata

    In case you prefer to work with arrays, replace the IN with ANY/SOME, e.g:

    WHERE feature_set = ANY ('{river,building}')

    If it still does not help you, it might be interesting to take a look at plpgsql:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.concat_mvt(arr_feature TEXT[]) 
    AS $BODY$
      i INTEGER;
      res BYTEA DEFAULT '';
      rec BYTEA;
    FOR i IN 1..array_length(arr_feature,1) LOOP
      WITH mvtdata AS (
        ST_AsMVTGeom(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412)) AS geom, 
        name, description,feature_set
      FROM feature
      WHERE feature_set = arr_feature[i]
        AND ST_Intersects(geom, ST_TileEnvelope(12,513,412))
      ) SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtdata.*,arr_feature[i])
        FROM mvtdata INTO rec;
      res := res || rec;
    RETURN res;
    END $BODY$;

    .. and call the function like this

    SELECT concat_mvt('{river,building}')