It is possible to use a file as InputSound (for example if you want to play a music).
But, I do not find a way to use the mic of my computer as an input stream sound in Pharo.
Any ideas?
The Sound package (originally from Squeak) contains a morph called SpectrumAnalyzerMorph which can read from the microphone (among other things). You can load it by doing this in a playground;
SpectrumAnalyzerMorph new openInWindow
You can load the Sound packe from Squeak into Pharo, and it is available both on Smalltalkhub (!/~PharoExtras/Sound) and here is also a fork I've made which implement playing sounds directly from an object (instead of a file);
Metacello new baseline: 'PharoSound';
repository: 'github://psvensson/PharoSound:master';