Suppose I have the following files in path
, which is in my Google drive that is connected to a Python 3 Colab notebook:
(Here, the # line represents the output)
ls = os.listdir(path)
print (ls)
# ['á.csv', 'b.csv']
Every seems ok, but if I write
'á.csv' in ls
# False
But should returns True. However, if I repeat the last code, but instead of writing 'á.csv' I copy-paste it manually from print (ls)
, it returns True.
ps: The problem is not exactly with that filename, is with several filenames which contains special characters (namely í, á, é, ó, ñ)
You can normalize the file list before comparing them.
from unicodedata import normalize
ls = [normalize('NFC', f) for f in os.listdir(path)]
# compare
normalize('NFC', 'á.csv') in ls
# or just 'á.csv' in ls