I'm trying to make my Skew responsive with view-width.
$SkewXBar: calc(5deg + 10vw);
I've searched online already, but found nothing regarding calculating a degree with vw.
If somebody knows an alternative, I'd be pleased to know.
A quick thought. The simplest way would be using a JavaScript logic. Something like the following:
function calculate() {
const deviceWidth = screen.width;
const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
const currentRatio = viewportWidth / deviceWidth;
const angle = currentRatio * 360;
document.querySelector('.rotating-bar').style.transform = `rotate(${angle}deg)`;
window.addEventListener('resize', calculate);
... which assumes an HTML structure like the following:
<div class="rotating-bar">
This rotates
CodePen example at https://codepen.io/baadaa/full/MWYMLwE