I have a form with "some" comboboxes and 1 subform that is currently filtered just by the combobox1 with the following VBA code:
Private Sub cmbType_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT [qryStore].[Type], [qryStore].[Model], [qryStore].[SN], " _
& "[qryStore].[ID], [qryStore].[Position], " _
& "FROM qryStore " _
& "WHERE (((qryStore.Type)='" & Me.cmbType & "'));"
Me.subfrmStore.Form.RecordSource = strSQL
End Sub
I want to turn this code in a module so i can Call the module once for all the comboboxes of the form instead of duplicate this code for each individual combobox..
How can i achieve that?!
Public Sub UpdateSubFormFromControl(ByRef ControlName as String)
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT [qryStore].[Type], [qryStore].[Model], [qryStore].[SN], " _
& "[qryStore].[ID], [qryStore].[Position], " _
& "FROM qryStore " _
& "WHERE (((qryStore.Type)='" & Forms!MyFormName.Controls(ControlName).Value & "'));"
End Sub
This allows you to pass the control name to a sub and do the same exact thing. However, you'll notice I had to fully qualify the form. I think its a better practice to always fully qualify (specifically for reasons such as yours).
I also left out the requery logic - either add it to this or leave it in the code that calls it.