My docker installation stopped working, so I decided to uninstall docker and reinstall it.
First, uninstalling it did not work, I would uninstall it via the windows uninstall feature and then the app would reappear when I restarted my laptop. I also ran this script in powershell with admin privileges.
Then I somehow finally got it to uninstall and went to open the same installer I had used to install it the first time. And it did not open (did not even ask me for permission to make changes) so I figured I would redownload the installer.
Redownloaded it and had the exact same thing happen, tried it a couple of more times and suddenly it asked me for permission to start. I gleefully clicked yes and waited for the installer to start.
However, nothing happened. I tried it a couple more times and suddenly it worked and my installer started. Unfortunately, it hung on "Installing CLI Plugins". I let it sit there for more than 30 minutes waiting for something to happen until I hit the red x and then "yes" when it prompted me if I wanted to stop the installation". That didn't close the window so I force closed it via task manager.
I have restarted my laptop a bunch of times and clicked on the installer many more and have not gotten back to the install screen. Any help would be great.
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | % Caption
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | % Buildnumber
I've just tried the installer for about the 45th time and it finally worked. Only things that have changed are that I've restarted the computer a couple times and its been a couple days since I last tried