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'variable' is not declared error for ascx web control

I've two User Control, in both control I've in ascx some Javascript that call some code method. The controls are practically identical but for the first (UploadPhotoHTML5.ascx) I've some errors like 'variable' is not declared, for the second (UploadPhotoSWF.ascx.vb) the Javascript code don't alert me with anyu errors.

(UploadPhotoHTML5.ascx with errors highlighted) enter image description here

(UploadPhotoSWF.ascx.vb without errors) enter image description here

Full code is browsable here: I've tried to clean obj directory and rebuild but nothing.
I'm not sure what's causing this...any ideas to fix it?


  • It'is Visual Studio Issue, the same project opened with Visual Studio 2019 work perfectly, on the Visual Studio 2017 the issue is still there!