Is it possible to skip a single benchmark section for a specific runtime?
For example i want to test several functions for 4.7.2 and Core 3.1, but one should only be benched on Core31
public void CoreOnly()
//some stuff i only want to test with 3.1
public void General()
//some stuff i want to test on all runtimes
Thats how i have done this until now. Is there a better way?
This is impossible by design.
When running the host process targetting XYZ framework, BDN is using the reflection to obtain the list of available methods (benchmarks). If you are using #if
defines, then the list of benchmarks is going to be different per host process target framework.
Performance repo docs describe how to compare multiple runtimes performance here: https://github.com/dotnet/performance/blob/master/docs/benchmarkdotnet.md#multiple-runtimes
The host process needs to be the lowest common API denominator of the runtimes you want to compare!
You can read more about testing multiple runtimes here: https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/configs/toolchains.html#multiple-frameworks-support