I'm at the moment in the middle of writing my Bachelor thesis and for it creating a database system with Postgres and Flask. To ensure the safety of my data, I was working on a file to prevent SQL injections, since a user should be able to submit a string via Http request. Since most of my functions which I use to analyze the Http request use Kwargs and a dict based on JSON in the request I was wondering if it is possible to inject python code into those kwargs. And If so If there are ways to prevent that.
To make it easier to understand what I mean, here are some example requests and code:
def calc_sum(a, b):
c = a + b
return c
def handle_request(target,value):
if target == 'calc_sum':
cmd = json.loads(value)
example Request:
Normal : localhost:5000/calc_sum/{"a":1, "b":2}
Injected : localhost:5000/calc_sum/{"a":1, "b:2 ): print("ham") def new_sum(a=1, b=2):return a+b":2 }
Since I'm not near my work, where all my code is I'm unable to test it out. And to be honest that my code example would work. But I hope this can convey what I meant.
I hope you can help me, or at least nudge me in the right direction. I've searched for it, but all I can find are tutorials on "who to use kwargs".
Best regards.
Yes you, but not in URL, try to use arguments like these localhost:5000/calc_sum?func=a+b&a=1&b=2
and to get these arguments you need to do this in flask
def handle_request(target):
if target == 'calc_sum':
func= request.args.get('func')
a = request.args.get('a')
b = request.args.get('b')
result = exec(func)
exec is used to execute python code in strings