I want to know if it's possible to let Rust define the default implementation for my structure with the macro #[derive(Default)]
but define some default values for some fields.
I want to do this to avoid to define the default values of all fields when Rust could do it.
Thanks for your time
As far as I know derive(Default)
is all-or-nothing.
However, you can initialize Default
able fields using field: Default::default()
(which may already be simple enough). You could use this fact to write a macro that takes all Default
able fields and initializes them, e.g.:
macro_rules! defaultable{
$t: ty,
@custom($($custom_field:ident = $custom_value:expr,)*)
=> {
impl Default for $t {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
$($default_field: Default::default(),)*
$($custom_field: $custom_value,)*
struct S {
n1: usize,
n2: usize,
b: bool,
non_default: usize,
defaultable!(S, @default(n1, n2, b,) @custom(non_default=42,));
fn main() {
let s : S = Default::default();
println!("{}", s.non_default);