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Unable to set header title dynamically in react native

I am trying to change the Header title of new component screen dynamically but getting the following error:

TypeError: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigationData.navigation.getParam')
* screens\CategoryMealsScreen.js:26:42 in navigationOptions
* screens\CategoryMealsScreen.js:10:40 in CategoryMealsScreen
- node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Renderer\oss\ReactNativeRenderer-dev.js:9473:27 in renderWithHooks
- node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Renderer\oss\ReactNativeRenderer-dev.js:11994:6 in mountIndeterminateComponent

My Code:

import React from "react";
import { Text, View, StyleSheet, Button } from "react-native";
import { CATEGORIES } from "../data/dummydata";
import Colors from "../constans/Colors";
let titleHeader = "";
const CategoryMealsScreen = props => {
  const categoryId = props.navigation.getParam("categoryId");

  const selectedCategory = CATEGORIES.find(cat => === categoryId);
  // console.log(Object.keys(props.navigation));
  titleHeader = selectedCategory.title;
  return (
    <View style={styles.screen}>

        title="Meals Details"
        onPress={() => props.navigation.navigate("MealsDetail")}

CategoryMealsScreen.navigationOptions = navigationData => {
  const catId = navigationData.navigation.getParam("categoryId");
  const selectedCategory = CATEGORIES.find(cat => === catId);
  // console.log(catId);
  // console.log(navigationData.navigation.getParam("categoryId"));
  return {
    headerTitle: selectedCategory.title,
    headerStyle: {
      backgroundColor: Colors.primaryColor
    headerTintColor: "white"

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  screen: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignContent: "center"

export default CategoryMealsScreen;

I tried to console log catId and it does show the output in the console but the error remains.

I am able to get data with getParam inside the component but not in CategoryMealsScreen.navigationOptions

Some sited its problem with bable configuration but it is not working or I am doing something wrong. Right not I am using global variable titleHeader to change header title and it works but it's still a hack.



  • Problem occurs because of async task like find CATEGORIES.find(cat.. This will take a time to complete

    Solution : use async/await with your fuction which wait for your task completion.

    We can set title dynamically using navigationOptions directly in stack configuration.  
    CategoryMeals : {
        screen : CategoryMealsScreen,
        navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
              title : navigation.getParam('categoryId', 'CategoryMeals')