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How to pass a C String Emoji to Java via JNI

I am trying to pass a database value to Java via JNI :

__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "MyApp", "c_string >>> %s", cStringValue);

prints : c_string >>> 👑👟👓

env->SetObjectField(jPosRec, myJniPosRec->_myJavaStringValue, env->NewStringUTF(strdup(cStringValue)));  

However, this fails without errors.

How can you go about passing special characters (such as emojis) to Java in JNI?

Thank you all in advance.


  • Cribbing from my answer here, you can use the JNI equivalent of


    as follows, where each paragraph roughly implements one step, and the last sets your object field to the result:

    jobject bb = env->NewDirectByteBuffer((void *) cStringValue, strlen(cStringValue));
    jclass cls_Charset = env->FindClass("java/nio/charset/Charset");
    jmethodID mid_Charset_forName = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls_Charset, "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;");
    jobject charset = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(cls_Charset, mid_Charset_forName, env->NewStringUTF("UTF-8"));
    jmethodID mid_Charset_decode = env->GetMethodID(cls_Charset, "decode", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;");
    jobject cb = env->CallObjectMethod(charset, mid_Charset_decode, bb);
    jclass cls_CharBuffer = env->FindClass("java/nio/CharBuffer");
    jmethodID mid_CharBuffer_toString = env->GetMethodID(cls_CharBuffer, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
    jstring str = env->CallObjectMethod(cb, mid_CharBuffer_toString);
    env->SetObjectField(jPosRec, myJniPosRec->_myJavaStringValue, str);