I have several files: 1.html
, 2.html
, etc. which have this content:
1.html has
<img src="1-directory/image.jpg" />
2.html has
<img src="2-directory/image.jpg" />
So, every file has an image in <i>-directory/
varies: 1, 2, 3, ...).
How can I load this images in flask for every file.
My route is:
def show(i):
with open(i + '.html', 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
return render_template('show.html', content = content)
and my template show.html
{content | safe}
So, I want to set <i>-directory
in the flask for each file and so displaying the corresponding image.
You have to create the static folder and then you have to add all the folders with the image. You can follow this directory structure:
>> static
>> 1-directory
>> 1.jpg
>> 2-directory
>> 2.jpg
>> 3-directory
>> 3.jpg
>> 4-directory
>> 4.jpg
>> templates
>> 1.html
>> 2.html
>> 3.html
>> 4.html
>> show.html
>> venv folder
>> app.py
You can use this code for app.py:
import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/docs/show/<string:i>', methods=['GET'])
def show(i):
with open('templates/' + str(i) + '.html', 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
return flask.render_template('show.html', content = content)
if __name__=='__main__':
You can keep the 1.html as below:
<img src="/static/1-directory/1.jpg" />
You can keep the 2.html as below:
<img src="/static/2-directory/2.jpg" />
You can keep the 3.html as below:
<img src="/static/3-directory/3.jpg" />
You can keep the 4.html as below:
<img src="/static/4-directory/4.jpg" />
And, you can display your code in show.html (with the same way you have shown it):
<body>{{content | safe}}</body>
EDIT (As per your comments):
I have created the file structure in the following way as per your comments:
>> templates
>> 1-directory
>> 1.jpg
>> 2-directory
>> 2.jpg
>> 3-directory
>> 3.jpg
>> 4-directory
>> 4.jpg
>> 1.html
>> 2.html
>> 3.html
>> 4.html
>> show.html
>> venv folder
>> app.py
You can code for app.py like this:
@app.route('/docs/show/<string:i>', methods=['GET'])
def show(i):
internal_html = flask.render_template(str(i)+'.html', file_name = str(i)+'-directory/'+str(i)+'.jpg')
return flask.render_template('show.html', content = internal_html)
def serve_file(filename):
return flask.send_from_directory('templates/', filename)
All your HTML files will be as shown below:
<img src="{{ url_for('serve_file', filename=file_name) }}" />
Also, your show.html will be the same as the above code. Here, we are using this send_from_directory, because the flask does not serve other than /static folder. Thus, for external use of the folder, we have to use send_from_directory.