I am aware of the os.path.splitext(file) function in Python, but this is changing the extenson of the existing file. I need to preserve the original file with its Extension as read file and create another file with another Extension as write file. For Example:
A = "File.inp"
pre, ext = os.path.splitext(A)
B = os.rename(A, pre + ".PRE")
with open("B" , 'w') as f1:
with open("A",'r') as f2:
This command changes the Extension of the file form .inp to .PRE but without preserving the original file "File.inp". Any ideas or Solutions how can I preserve the original file with ist original Extension?
Here is an example:
base_file = "File.inp"
name, ext = base_file.split('.')
new_file = '{}.{}'.format(name, 'PRE')
with open(base_file , 'r') as f1:
with open(new_file, 'w') as f2: