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how to inject pl/pgsql in myBatis 3 xml mapper

I am using MyBatis 3.3.0 with Postgresql 12. I want to inject some pl/pgsql in my xml mapper

for example: to insert data with for loop

 <update id="generateNumbers" parameterType="" statementType="CALLABLE">

      for number in ...... 
             insert into.....(....) values (...) 
      end loop; 
   end; ]]> 

with oracle and Pl/sql it works fine but I can't convert it to pl/pgsql How can I do it I know I can use stored procedure but my question is how to inject pl/pgsql in xml mapper files if it is possible?


  • After some research I found that for poqgresql (unlike oracle) we can not set parameters to anonymous code block

    so we can use batch operations

    [1] [2]

    or stored procedure

    I hope that will help some one ....