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Visual Studio code beautify format issues

I'm using VS Code + js-beautify + Beautify css/sass/scss/less, and I'm facing couple of annoying issues when I format my code (don't know how to solve them):

  1. This is NOT how I want my background color to look.

     background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .0);


    background-color: rgba(0,

I want it to be format as one line (like "from").

  1. The "cursor" property is in different color
    enter image description here
  1. When I format my html code, there are line spaces in the body and the html.

     <!DOCTYPE html>
       <html lang="en">
         <title>React App</title>
        <div id="root"></div>

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">

        <title>React App</title>

       <div id="root"></div>


I want it to be formatted without any empty spaces (like "from").


  • While this is an old question, I was encountering the same issue and found the solution. In your VS Code settings.json, add the following to it:

    "html.format.extraLiners": "",

    By default nothing is there so it will default to html, body, /html. By setting it to nothing, it will give you the behavior you want.