PHP uses urlencode and urldecode while Actionscript 3 uses escape and unescape for encoding and decoding strings into a URL-safe format, but the problem is that apparently they aren't quite exactly the same. This causes problems for me occasionally when I try to use urlencode on a string in PHP and then unescape it in AS3, or escape in AS3 and urldecode in PHP. Does anyone know what the exact differences are? I found this post which lists the following differences:
**PHP urlencode**
**AS3 escape**
Are there more differences? Neither the official documentation for PHP nor the documentation for AS3 list what characters are encoded into what.
Well I did some testing, and the differences are substantial, even just for character codes 0 through 255. Here's my test code:
for (var i:uint=0; i<=255; i++) {
var s:String = String.fromCharCode(i);
trace(i + ": " + escape(s));
for ($i=0; $i<=255; $i++) {
$s = chr($i);
echo $i . ': ' . urlencode($s);
echo "\n";
After comparing the outputs, there are the following differences:
char code 32 ( )
AS3 escape: %20
PHP urlencode: +
char code 42 (*)
AS3 escape: *
PHP urlencode: %2A
char code 43 (+)
AS3 escape: +
PHP urlencode: %2B
char code 47 (/)
AS3 escape: /
PHP urlencode: %2F
char code 64 (@)
AS3 escape: @
PHP urlencode: %40
PHP also has rawurlencode
, which turns a space into %20 instead of a + sign, but all the other differences remain. Beyond character code 255, AS3 adds an extra %u01 in front of things, which is not present in urlencode.
Additionally, it seems that AS3 does have a way to URL-encode in the same manner that PHP expects, but you just can't access it normally.
var symbols:String = " *+/@";
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
vars.param1 = symbols;
trace(vars.toString()); // param1=%20%2A%2B%2F%40 <--- This is the same as PHP
trace(escape(symbols)); // %20*+/@ but not this
trace(encodeURI(symbols)); // %20*+/@ or this
trace(encodeURIComponent(symbols)); // %20*%2B%2F%40 or this