I followed the below steps,
- Created a basic MVC application( say MVCTemplate) using predefined template in visual studio
- Created a MVCTemplate.vsTemplate for above project using Export template wizard in visual studio
- Added the newly created MVCTemplate.vsTemplate and a copy of MVCTemplate.csproj (Renamed to RequiredMVCTemplate.csproj) to the above project
- Created a new VSIX project (MVCWizard) in the same solution
- In MVCWizard project updated source.extension.vsixmanifest file by adding a new asset MVCTemplate (source = project , Type = Microsoft.visualstudio.Projecttemplate" and path)
Code is as below
<Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectTemplate" d:Source="Project" d:ProjectName="MVCTemplate" d:TargetPath="|MVCTemplate;TemplateProjectOutputGroup|" Path="ProjectTemplates" d:VsixSubPath="ProjectTemplates" />
I get the below error
The target "TemplateProjectOutputGroup" does not exist in the project. Please suggest the best approcah to create a mvc project template and use it in wizard based vsix project and generate another such mvc application.