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Azure File Storage using PHP

I want to run a single webpage to display files, which are stored in an Azure File Storage. It must be Azure File storage because these files came from a Docker container, which is mounted, to that file storage.

I have a Azure Container Instance witch stores PDF files in an Azure File Storage. Now I run a WebApp (PHP) that shall read all the PDFs.

I’ve installed the Microsoft Azure Storage File PHP SDK but have no clue how to use it. Even the sample.php did not help me coming forward. It would be very helpful if someone could help me a bit a simple sniped.



  • I see you want to directly display a PDF file from Azure File Storage in a web page. Generally, the best practice is to generate the url with sas token of a file in Azure File Storage.

    So I followed the GitHub repo Azure/azure-storage-php to install Azure File Storage SDK for PHP in my sample project, here is my sample code and its dependencies.

    The file structure of my sample project is as the figure below.

    enter image description here

    The content of my composer.json file is as below.

      "require": {
        "microsoft/azure-storage-file": "*"

    My sample PHP file demo.php is as below, that's inspired by the function generateFileDownloadLinkWithSAS of the offical sample azure-storage-php/samples/FileSamples.php.

    require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; 
    use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Resources;
    use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\File\FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper;
    $accountName = "<your account name>";
    $accountKey = "<your account key>";
    $shareName = "<your share name>";
    $fileName = "<your pdf file name>";
    $now = date(DATE_ISO8601);
    $date = date_create($now);
    date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 hour"));
    $expiry = str_replace("+0000", "Z", date_format($date, DATE_ISO8601));
    $helper = new FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper($accountName, $accountKey);
    $sas = $helper->generateFileServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken(
            'r',                        // Read
            $expiry // A valid ISO 8601 format expiry time, such as '2020-01-01T08:30:00Z' 
    $fileUrlWithSAS = "https://$$shareName/$fileName?$sas";
    echo "<h1>Demo to display PDF from Azure File Storage</h1>";
    echo "<iframe src='$fileUrlWithSAS'  width='800' height='500' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe>";

    The result of my web page is as the figures below in Chrome and Firefox.

    The result in Chrome:

    enter image description here

    The result in Firefox:

    enter image description here

    Update: The code to list files in a file share, as below.

    require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; 
    use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\File\FileRestProxy;
    $accountName = "<your account name>";
    $accountKey = "<your account key>";
    $shareName = "<your share name>";
    $connectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=$accountName;AccountKey=$accountKey";
    $fileClient = FileRestProxy::createFileService($connectionString);
    $list = $fileClient->listDirectoriesAndFiles($shareName);
    function endsWith( $str, $sub ) {
        return ( substr( $str, strlen( $str ) - strlen( $sub ) ) === $sub );
    foreach($list->getFiles() as &$file) {
        $fileName = $file->getName();
        if(endsWith($fileName, ".pdf")) {
            echo $fileName."\n";