Ok, my english isn't too good, so I will try to be clearliest possible.
I have an app that use firebase authentication with GoogleAuthProvider
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
It works fine, I got oauth token and works very good. the session keep alive for anytime wath I may need; recently, I decide implement an API that needs an oauth token and I don't have any problem. Then, the trouble, when I reload/close/reopen/oauth token life timesout, the page/app, I'm already logged in but don't have a valid oauth token.
Firebase authentication doesn't provide any method to refresh or get the token again(I'm not sure).
Have I to use any other API?
Firebase Auth doesn't provide a mechanism for refreshing OAuth credentials for Google or other social login providers. This is possible, however, using the Google Sign-In JS.
You can use the Google Sign-In library to sign the user in and obtain OAuth tokens, and then use signInWithCredential()
to authenticate with Firebase Auth.