I want to add five numbers in loop and print that sum. This is my code.
format MZ
stack sth:256
entry codeseg: main
segment sdat use16
;ds segment x
tabl db 1,2,3,4,10
segment sth use16
db 256 dup (?)
segment codeseg use16
mov ax, sdat
mov ds, ax
;mov ax, sth
;mov ss, ax
;mov sp, 256
xor ax,ax
mov bx,tabl
mov cx,5
add ax,[bx]
inc bx
loop add
mov dx, ax
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I'd like to print out the sum, not the value of the ascii.
You have to convert the content of the AX register into an ASCII string which can be shown by the operating system. I've updated your code accordingly, among other changes. Now your challenge is to figure it all out ;-)
format MZ
stack 256
entry codeseg:main
segment dataseg use16
tabl db 1,2,3,4,10
outstr db 8 dup ('$')
segment codeseg use16
mov ax, dataseg
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
xor ax,ax
mov bx,tabl
mov cx,5
add al,[bx]
adc ah, 0
inc bx
loop addd
lea di, [outstr]
call ax2dec
lea dx, [outstr]
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
ax2dec: ; Args: AX:number ES:DI: pointer to string
mov bx, 10 ; Base 10 -> divisor
xor cx, cx ; CX=0 (number of digits)
xor dx, dx ; Clear DX for division
div bx ; AX = DX:AX / BX Remainder DX
push dx ; Push remainder for LIFO in Loop_2
inc cx ; inc cl = 2 bytes, inc cx = 1 byte
test ax, ax ; AX = 0?
jnz Loop_1 ; No: once more
pop ax ; Get back pushed digits
or al, 00110000b ; Conversion to ASCII
stosb ; Store only AL to [ES:DI] (DI is a pointer to a string)
loop Loop_2 ; Until there are no digits left
mov BYTE [es:di], '$' ; Termination character for 'int 21h fn 09h'