I use bootstrap 4 and angular 8.
I want to make something like this:
This is a range slider with highlighted sectors. I would like to have a red highlighted sector at the beginning and one at the end to show that someone chooses a value that is going to be critical. This picture is from an example at https://seiyria.com/bootstrap-slider/ shown in example 22. But there is the known issue that this would not work on Bootstrap 4 - I tried but it doesn't. I tried with CSS but the value for the red sector is variable so it doesn't work. Someone can help?
try in your css:
background-color: transparent;
input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
/* -webkit-appearance: slider-horizontal; */
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #e5405e 0%, #e5405e 20%, #ffdb3a 20%, #ffdb3a 40%, #3fffa2 40%, #3fffa2 60%,#ffdb3a 60%, #ffdb3a 80%, #e5405e 80%, #e5405e 100%);
cursor: default;
padding: initial;
border: initial;