I would like to send a messages to all iphones or blackberries or androids that are using my local wifi. Whether it be a bbm or a flash sms etc.... I am even willing to pay for texting etc....
Can I do so without knowing their number? Can I determine their number from their information (ie: mac address and or phone id) being sent a request for phone information?
I appreciate any help. I have a feeling like it is not possible for many reasons, but I am curious....
Overall there is a way to do it, it's called "broadcasting" (or UDP broadcasting). Your wi-fi AP should support and allow it. You also must make sure Android, iOS and BB support this (but there is no reason why they shouldn't).
It looks something like this:
You'll probably need to implement simple TCP protocol in order to actually send messages from one device to another.
To summarize, you'll need to make discovery via UDP and communication via TCP. Those would be two different custom protocols. And it shouldn't be hard to implement. But you'll need to implement this for all mobile platforms you are interested in.