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Mandatory header for all API in openapi 3.0

I am using OpenAPI 3.0 with Spring-boot 5 and therefore have no configuration YAML. I have a header that contains the client Identification ID(This is not an authentication header). I want to make that a mandatory header param. Added below OpenAPI configuration

public class OpenAPIConfiguration {
    public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {

        return new OpenAPI()
                .components(new Components()
                        .addParameters("myCustomHeader", new Parameter().in("header").schema(new StringSchema()).required(true).description("myCustomHeader").name("myCustomHeader")))
                .info(new Info()
                        .title("My Rest Application")

However, the swagger UI does not show the required param in any API. Can someone help as to what I am doing wrong?

enter image description here


  • Adding parameter definition to a custom OpenAPI bean will not work because the parameter won't get propagated to the operations definitions. You can achieve your goal using OperationCustomizer:

        public OperationCustomizer customize() {
            return (operation, handlerMethod) -> operation.addParametersItem(
                    new Parameter()

    The OperationCustomizer interface was introduced in the springdoc-openapi 1.2.22. In previous versions you would need to use OpenApiCustomiser:

    public class MyOpenApiCustomizer implements OpenApiCustomiser {
        private static final List<Function<PathItem, Operation>> OPERATION_GETTERS = Arrays.asList(
                PathItem::getGet, PathItem::getPost, PathItem::getDelete, PathItem::getHead,
                PathItem::getOptions, PathItem::getPatch, PathItem::getPut);
        private Stream<Operation> getOperations(PathItem pathItem) {
                    .map(getter -> getter.apply(pathItem))
        public void customise(OpenAPI openApi) {
        private void customize(Operation operation) {
                    new Parameter()