It seems I can't figure out how to query the Weaviate and filter out unwanted objects. I have read:
I think this would translate into my test using postman:
"query": "{
Get {
Things {
Technique(name: "some name of technique in the weaviate") { name, uuid }
This results I received:
"code": 400,
"message": "parsing body body from \"\" failed, because invalid character 's' after object key:value pair"
How should this work?
To filter out objects in Weaviate you have to use the "where" filter. Take a look here:
I think your query in GrapiQL would look something like this:
{"query": "{ Get { Things { Technique ( where: { path: ["name"], operator: Equal, valueSting: "some name of technique in the weaviate"} ) { name, uuid } } } }" }
For a JSON body in a rest POST request, it would look like this (escape the double quotes):
{"query": "{ Get { Things { Technique ( where: { path: [\"name\"], operator: Equal, valueSting: \"some name of technique in the weaviate\"} ) { name, uuid } } } }" }