I have an array called "doc" which contains a list, in which some of them contains same ref object id, I have to remove that duplicate, but none of the code is working because I'm filtering according to ref object id, which is in the form of object. I have to access the id inside the object and filter it according to that object id. here userId is the referance object id.
Answer.find({'blockId': questId}, (err, doc) => {
userId = 0;
userList = [];
userIdd = 0;
uslist = [];
for(var i = 0; i<doc.length; i++){
if(userId != doc[i].userId){
userId = doc[i].userId;
I got a simple solution for this. if 'doc' is the array which contains duplicates.
userIdList = [];
userIdList = Object.values(doc.reduce((acc,cur)=>Object.assign(acc,{[cur.userId.toString()]:cur}),{}));