Sorry for my English grammar,..
I want to execute this query but is getting 0 result,.. i try to check in ->toSql() function i saw the value become ?,. instead of the value is "pork",. why is become (?) question mark? and how to fix it?
this my laravel queries using model
$items = Item::where("item_type_id", "!=", 1)
->where(function ($query) use ($prod){
$query->where("description", "like", "'%$prod%'")
->orWhere("id", "'%$prod%'");
and the result is this, and the parameters become "?".
"select * from `items` where `item_type_id` !=
? and (`description` like
?or `id` =
? it's call Bindings used for SQL injection. if you want to get the bindings variable then you can use getBindings()
Check more detail of getBindings()
$items = Item::where("item_type_id", "!=", 1)
->where(function ($query) use ($prod){
$query->where("description", "like", "'%$prod%'")
->orWhere("id", "'%$prod%'");
$sqlquery = $items->toSql();
$bindings = $items->getBindings();
Another way to replace ? to value is below.
$sql_with_bindings = str_replace_array('?', $items->getBindings(), $items->toSql());
One more way to check the last executed query is DB::enableQueryLog()
$items = Item::where("item_type_id", "!=", 1)
->where(function ($query) use ($prod){
$query->where("description", "like", "'%$prod%'")
->orWhere("id", "'%$prod%'");