function onDocumentLoadSuccess(viewerDocument) {
var defaultModel = viewerDocument.getRoot().getDefaultGeometry();
viewer.loadDocumentNode(viewerDocument, defaultModel)
.then(function () {
markup = markupsExt;
var cloud = new Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.Markups.Core.EditModeCloud(markup);
.catch(function (err) {
//reject('Could not load viewable: ' + err);
function selEvt(){
<div id="canvas-align">
<div id="forgeViewer">
<div id="overlay">
<div id="sel">
Forge Viewer - after creating a new markup in viewer, can I select a dropdown value based on event "EVENT_MARKUP_SELECTED"? I tried it using below code but am I unable to select dropdown value. So then I tried to leave editmode, then it clears markup. Please advise
It seems that your dropdown list has been overlapped by the markup canvas. To fix it, please try to add these styles to the #sel
#sel {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
display: none;