I'm fairly new to Prism, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to leverage the ObservesCanExecute
(which allows me to not have to manually ask the command to re-calculate) for use with multiple properties. With a single property, this works like a charm! But I want to perform an "and" across all of my three properties.
Here is the code:
public ViewModel()
MyCommand = new DelegateCommand(MyCommandHandler)
.ObservesCanExecute(() => BoolOne)
.ObservesCanExecute(() => BoolTwo)
.ObservesCanExecute(() => BoolThree);
private bool _boolOne;
public bool BoolOne
get => _boolOne;
set => SetProperty(ref _boolOne, value);
What I'm experiencing is that once BoolThree
is set to true, the button (attached to this command) is enabled without checking BoolOne
and BoolTwo
. How can I get this to also act like the command predicate is return BoolOne && BoolTwo && BoolThree
You will want to use ObservesProperty here instead of ObservesCanExecute. https://prismlibrary.com/docs/commanding.html
Do not attempt to chain-register ObservesCanExecute methods. Only one property can be observed for the CanExcute delegate.
You can chain-register multiple properties for observation when using the ObservesProperty method. Example: ObservesProperty(() => IsEnabled).ObservesProperty(() => CanSave).
So you will want to change your code to this:
MyCommand = new DelegateCommand(MyCommandHandler, MyCanExecuteMethod)
.ObservesProperty(() => BoolOne)
.ObservesProperty(() => BoolTwo)
.ObservesProperty(() => BoolThree);
private void MyCanExecuteMethod()
return BoolOne && BoolTwo && BoolThree;
This way when any of those properties change the RaiseCanExecuteChanged will be fired.