I am using C# SDK to create the LUIS apps with required Intents, Utterances and Entities, and then training and Publishing the apps using an Authoring key created in Azure portal. After this, I use the REST Prediction endpoint for Intent matching, and till now I used the free Starter Prediction Key. After a month since the Starter key gets expired, I created a Cognitive service in Azure to be used as the Prediction resource. Now, how to add this new Prediction resource(Cognitive service) to my LUIS apps via SDK or REST? I am able to do so from LUIS Portal though, but don't want manual intervention.
Once you create the prediction endpoint resource, the resource should be only used for endpoint prediction queries and not for authoring changes to the app. If you want to add the prediction resource to your app by not going through the portal and automate the assignment of the resource to a LUIS app for purposes like CI/CD pipeline, then you can follow the steps below:
This POST API requires the following settings:
This API returns an array of JSON objects of your LUIS subscriptions including subscription ID, resource group, and resource name, returned as account name. Find the one item in the array that is the LUIS resource to assign to the LUIS app.
This POST API requires the following settings:
When this API is successful, it returns a 201 - created status.
Hope this helps.