I have a React project with a GraphQL using Apollo client. I am trying to figure out how to change the query result based on search text. I implemented query search in backend and its working perfectly. But I dont know how to set up filter in React using that same query. Despite there is tutotial on how to filter on https://www.howtographql.com/react-apollo/7-filtering-searching-the-list-of-links/, it doesnt use ES6 and I literaly dont know how to do it. Im stuck on this filter around 10 days.
I will show you my code.
import React from 'react';
import HeroesDota from './components/HeroesDota';
import Search from './components/HeroSearch'
import { ApolloProvider } from '@apollo/react-hooks';
import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const link = new HttpLink({
uri: "http://localhost:8000/graphql/"
const client = new ApolloClient({
const App = () => {
return (
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<Search />
<HeroesDota />
export default App;
HeroesDota.js (compoenent)
import React from 'react'
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { useQuery } from '@apollo/react-hooks';
import '../index.css'
import styled from 'styled-components';
const Images = styled.img`
border: 3px solid #288eea;
display: inline;
width: 90px;
height: 50px;
const HEROES_DOTA2 = gql`
query {
heroes {
const HeroesDota = () => {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(HEROES_DOTA2);
if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
if (error) return <p>Error :(</p>;
return data.heroes.map(({name, heroType, image }) => (
<div className="row" key={Math.random() + 1}>
<div className="column">
<button className="button-hero"><Images className="hero_images" src= {`${image}`} alt={name}></Images></button>
<div className="hero_info">{name} - {heroType}</div>
export default HeroesDota;
HeroSearch.js (compoenent that doesnt work as I expected)
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { withApollo } from 'react-apollo'
import Hero from './HeroesDota'
import '../index.css'
const SEARCH_HEROES = gql`
query ($search: String) {
heroes (search: $search) {
const Search = () => {
const [heroes, setHeroes] = useState([])
const [search, setSearch] = useState('')
const _executeSearch = async () => {
const { search } = search
const result = await this.props.client.query({
variables: { search },
const heroes = result.data.heroes.name
setHeroes({ heroes })
return (
onChange={e => setSearch({ search: e.target.value })}
<button onClick={() => _executeSearch()}>OK</button>
{heroes.map((hero, index) => (
<Hero key={hero.id} hero={hero} index={index} />
export default withApollo(Search)
After U oress OK button to exectue search i get following error. Unhandled Rejection (ReferenceError): Cannot access 'search' before initialization.
If I try to do something similar like I did in Component HeroesDota i still cant make it.
Does anyone know how to filter query in React using es6, not class based compoenent like they did on this tutorial.
const Search = (props) => {
const Search = ({ client }) => {
Although I would also recommend you use the the new hooks syntax.